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Epps Aviation Delivers First Pilatus PC-24 Super Versatile Jet in the Southeastern United States

In a closing ceremony held at Pilatus’ U.S. Factory Headquarters in Broomfield, CO, Epps Aviation delivered its first Pilatus PC-24 to Cajun Industries of Baton Rouge, Louisiana. The PC-24 is the first in a new class of "Super Versatile Jets," or SVJs, which combine the performance of a jet with the versatility of a turboprop airplane. Although it's powered by jet engines and has the speed, range, and maximum altitude associated with similar jets, the plane is capable of operations from much shorter runways than any other jet, following in the footsteps of its highly popular turboprop predecessor, the Pilatus PC-12.

“With our growing and diverse travel requirements we needed a plane that could take us places quickly but be versatile enough to land in locations that might not be the best suited to a traditional jet. The PC-24 is the perfect jet for landing on short runways in remote areas where we have major construction projects in progress. It also compliments our PC-12 in meeting different mission needs and providing product familiarity for our flight department”, stated Wayne Creel, President of Cajun Engineering Solutions, a division of Cajun Industries.

“We are pleased to be able to provide Cajun Industries with an aircraft that will serve their growing and diverse travel needs as well as continue to provide the service and support they’ve grown accustomed to receive from us, for all of their Pilatus Aircraft”, said Marian Epps, CFO of Epps Aviation. “Epps has a ready staff of trained pilots, and orders for more PC-24s for our customers who want to upgrade to this fantastic aircraft.”

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